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Known Operational Issues

Known issues concerning the installation of Perfect Developer are listed separately - see here.

Issue Classification Scheme

Operational issues with Perfect Developer are classified as follows:

Class Meaning
A The issue could give rise to a scenario whereby Perfect Developer claims that a source file is fully validated and generates code in the target language that is accepted by a 'reasonable' compiler, but the generated code does not accord with the Perfect specification. An issue in this class might concern the code generator producing legal but incorrect or ambiguous code, or the prover generating erroneous proofs, or proof obligations not being generated when needed, or a serious flaw in the runtime library.
B The issue does not meet the requirements of class A but does seriously impede developer productivity. An issue in this class might concern the code generator sometimes producing code that will not compile.
C The issue does not meet the requirements of class A, and we believe that it is rarely encountered or easily worked around, so it does not merit classification as class B.

Commercial users with current maintenance contracts will be notified immediately whenever a category A issue is confirmed.

Generally, only category A and B issues will be listed here. Category C issues will be listed where they potentially affect a large number of users.

Known issues with Perfect Developer version 4.10.02

Ref. Class Category Description
485 B Verification The prover will sometimes assume that an object of some class declared by the user can be constructed (e.g. "exists x: T :- true" will be assumed). If this is not the case (for example, if the class has an invariant that can never be satisfied), this is not true. However, in this case the prover should fail to validate the constructors for the class.
538 B Verification If a loop statement declares local variables, the system fails to ensure they their values are not used before they are initialized. However, the implementation would normally fail to validate, unless the code that uses the uninitialised variable is redundant.
585 B Runtime When deserializing data of an enumeration type, no check is made that the value read is in range. This could lead to a problem if an old version of a program is reading data written by a new version in which an enumeration has been extended and the developer omitted to increment the serialization version.
593 A Verification Within a constructor implementation, no check is made that we do not use members of self before they are initialised. It is possible to construct an example that will pass validation but fail at runtime. Example:

class A ^=
  var v: B;   // class B is assumed to have a member called f
  build{x: B} post change v satisfy v'.f = x.f
    via ([v.f = x.f]: pass, []: v'= x)

625 C Code generation (C# and Java only) C# or Java code generated by Perfect Developer sometimes fails to ensure that local variables are "definitely assigned" according to the C# or Java rules, because Perfect requires only the weaker condition that all variables are assigned before use. The result is an error message when the Java is compiled. Workaround: add a dummy initialisation of the variable concerned.
629 B Code generation (C# and Java only) If the expression following inherits in a constructor declaration is not a constructor call, the generated C# or Java code will not compile unless a "copy" constructor has been declared in the parent class. Workaround: declare a copy constructor in the parent class.
635 B Library The 'normalizeFile(..)' function sometimes produces incorrect results for invalid arguments, as follows:

  argument#1 (default path) = '\\MONSTER\!PublicReadOnly\'
  argument#2 (filename) = '..\Temp\Win32InstallWorkaround.txt'
  path = '\\MONSTER\!PublicReadOnly\Temp\'
Correct output should be:
  <ERROR> because an attempt has been made to go down a level from level 0 (the UNC descriptor '\\MONSTER\!PublicReadOnly' is the root)

  argument#1 (default path) = '\'
  argument#2 (filename) ='..\Temp\Win32InstallWorkaround.txt'
  path = 'C:\Temp\'
  file = 'Win32InstallWorkaround.txt'
Correct output should be:
  <ERROR> because an attempt has been made to go down a level from level 0

  argument#1 (default path) = 'C:\'
  argument#2 (filename) = '..\Temp\Win32InstallWorkaround.txt'
  path = 'C:\Temp\'
  file = 'Win32InstallWorkaround.txt'
Correct output should be:
  <ERROR> because an attempt has been made to go down a level from level 0

  argument #1: '::\'
  argument #2: ''
  path: '::\'
  file: ''
Correct output should be:
  <ERROR> because this is not a valid filename
644 B Compiler The precondition of a method declared early should not be allowed to refer to other non-early methods of the same class. However, if the method is declared as a define or redefine of an inherited method and the precondition is inherited, no checks are made.
649 A Code generation
(C# and Java only)
When generating C# or Java for a schema that modifies self, it is possible for aliasing to occur between self and a variable that has been copied from an earlier instance of self. Example:

class A ^=
   var v: int;
  // The following schema will result in v having a final value of 1 instead of being the same as the initial value
  schema !buggy post (let temp ^= self; v! = 1 then v! = temp.v);

666 B Compiler The compiler does not permit explicit use of the type 'from anything' due to memory management issues when generating C++.
687 C Runtime If the system runs out of memory while deserializing data (e.g. because the file is corrupt but the corruption has not been detected, or because more memory was available when the data was serialized), instead of returning failure from the deserialization call, the program is terminated.
796 B Compiler The compiler does not correctly process require-parts of templates that declare a requirement for a constructor of a template parameter; instead it generates a warning that the feature is unimplemented and the requirement will be ignored.
804 A Verification The system does not check for illegal direct recursion. An example would be a method precondition that contains a call to the method.
805 A Verification The system does not detect indirect recursion whether illegal (e.g. a recursive precondition) or legal (in which case appropriate variants must be declared and the corresponding proof obligations generated).
890 A Verification The prover assumes that unbounded integers can be stored and manipulated by the generated code. No allowance is currently made for the fact that the code generator and run-time library map Perfect integers to bounded integers in the target language.
1074 A Code generation If a 'forall' postcondition modifies individual elements of a sequence, and the new value depends on earlier elements of the same sequence, the code generator fails to capture the orignal values before they are changed.
1136 A Verification The verifier uses rules for idealised real numbers, but the code generator maps reals to standard floating-point types. Therefore verification is unsound with respect to the generated code when reals are used.
1137 A Verification The verifier folds constant expressions involving reals using floating-point arithmetic. Due to rounding errors, this may lead to incorrect verification of specifications that use reals.
1138 A Verification In specifications that use ref types, it is possible that a heap object A of some type T may directly or indirectly hold a reference to another object of B also of type T. When S calls members of object B via the reference, it will be assumed that the invariant of B holds. However, if B is the same object as A (i.e. there is a circular chain of references), that may not be true.
1139 A Code generation (C++ only) If a specification uses ref types and causes circular chains of references to be created, the reference-counting garbage collection in the generated C++ code will not collect the associated storage when such a chain becomes inaccessible, unless the chain is broken first.
1185 B Code generation The generated code uses the ASCII character set, therefore Unicode characters that are not also ASCII characters cannot be used in character and string literals.
1186 B Compiler The compiler assumes that the input file is ASCII and fails to interpret UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 files correctly.
1231 A Verification When proving that the predicate of an exists-expression over a collection is well-formed, the prover rightly assumes the current element is in the collection, and may infer that the collection is not empty. However, this inference may get exported to the surrounding context, which may lead the prover to incorrectly infer that the collection is not empty when trying to prove that the exists-expression is true, leading to a false proof.
1245 A Verification A small number of prover rules that involve instantiating bound variables have incorrect quantifier depths on the right hand side, because the mechanism used to detect inconsistencies in quantifier depths did not function for those rules. Where a term contains nested bound variable declarations, this can lead to use of the incorrect bound variable after the rule is applied. Typically, this leads to failed proofs or to prover termination due to type inconsistency; however it might be that it could also lead to false proofs.

Known critical issues with Perfect Developer version 4.0 that were fixed in 4.10.02

Ref. Class Category Description
1203 A Verification When accessing a guarded data member, a verification condition is generated that the guard is true. However, any other verification conditions needed to ensure that the variable as a whole can be evaluated were discarded.

Last updated 05 September 2010.

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