eCv specifications

General Notes

All expressions within eCv specification constructs must have NO have side effects. So the following are not permitted in specifications:

Where a specification macro takes an expression list, the expressions must be separated by a semicolon, not by a comma. This is because macros in C90 and C++ must have a fixed number of arguments.

pre(n >= 0; n <= 10)       /* correct */
pre(n >= 0) pre (n <= 10)  /* correct */
pre(n >= 0, n <= 10)       /* incorrect */

Within specifications, you may use ghost functions and ghost members. For example, if myArray is a parameter of array type, then myArray.lwb gives the lowest valid index (usually 0), and myArray.upb gives the highest valid index (usually one less than the number of elements in the array).

Similarly, if s is a parameter of type char * array, then isNullTerminated(s) expresses the condition that there is a valid non-negative index into s such that the corresponding element of s is the null character. See the list of ghost members and predefined ghost functions later in this document.

Type constraints

You can declare a constrained type by using an invariant clause within a typedef declaration. Here is an example:

typedef int invariant(value in 0..100) percent;

The argument of invariant is an expression that constrains on the values of this type, using the keyword value to refer to any such value. The constraint may refer to constants but not to variables.

The semantics of constrained types are as follows, in which the term underlying type refers to the type that precedes the invariant clause:

Note that you can avoid a lot of potential aliasing problems by using constrained types, since a pointer to a constrained type cannot be aliased to a pointer to any other type that is not a synonym for that type.

Function contracts

Function contracts are placed after the function parameter list, but before the opening brace "{" of the function body (if any).

You may declare any or all of writes-clauses, preconditions, recursion variants, returns-expressions and postconditions, but they must be declared in that order. The syntax of these is:

You may declare more than one writes-clause, precondition, postcondition or variant, which is equivalent to declaring a single, longer list. For example:

pre(n >= 0)
pre(n <= 10)

means the same as
pre(n >= 0; n <= 10)

Keep the arguments of each specification on a single line as far as possible, to avoid getting misleading line numbers in error and warning messages.


The writes-clause specifies what nonlocal variables the function writes. A writes-clause may contain the following elements, separated by semicolon:

If you don't provide a writes-clause, then a default one is constructed. The default will be such that for any parameter declaration of the form T *p or T * array p where T is not qualified by const or volatile, the function is assumed to write to *p. If your function writes to any other nonlocal variables (for example, static variables), then you must declare all the nonlocal variables it writes to in a writes-clause.

If you have a function with a parameter of the form T *p that doesn't write to *p, then if the function is under your control, we recommend you add the const qualifier. If this is not possible (for example, it is a third-party library function that you cannot change), use an explicit writes-clause to prevent eCv from assuming that the function writes to *p. You can use the form writes() to indicate that a function writes no nonlocal variables at all.


Preconditions describe the constraints that the caller must satisfy when calling the function. eCv requires that all function preconditions be declared explicitly.


Recursion variants are only used in recursive function specifications, and allow eCv to prove that the recursion terminates. See Perfect Developer Language Reference Manual for details. Note that a function may have a recursive specification even if its implementation is not recursive.


Returns-specifications describe the value that a function returns (not allowed if the function return type is void). The specification returns(e) is equivalent to post(result == e) with the important exception that the expression inside returns(...) is permitted to make recursive calls to the function being specified, whereas expressions inside post(...) are not.


Postconditions describe conditions that the function guarantees hold when it returns. In postconditions, you may use the keyword result to refer to the value returned by the function. A non-void function may have both a returns-specification and a postcondition - for example, the postcondition might assert additional properties of the function result and/or describe side-effects of the function.

Where to put function contracts

If a function has extern linkage (i.e. it is not declared static), then you will normally define the function in a .c file and provide a prototype for it in a .h file. You should do the following:

eCv will give an error message if, when processing a .c file and all the other files that it #includes, it finds a function definition with specifications and there is a prototype for that function in a different file.

If you need to provide specifications for functions declared in a third-party header file, but you do not wish to add specifications or the array or null keywords to that header file, you can declare prototypes for the same functions with added specifications, array and null keywords in your own header file. Each such function declaration should be prefixed with the spec keyword to tell eCv that this overrides the other one. eCv will nevertheless check that each pair of declarations is compatible, ignoring the missing array and null keywords in the third-party file.

eCv provides a number of header files corresponding to the standard C header files for this purpose. For example, file ecv_string.h provides specifications for functions in the standard header file string.h. So if your program includes string.h, you must also include ecv_string.h. Note that including ecv_string.h alone is not sufficient to make the declarations in string.h available. This is to ensure that your compiler sees its own versions of the declarations. You do not need to make the inclusion of ecv_string.h and similar files conditional on #ifdef __ECV__ because this is already done inside the file.

If a function is local to a single file (i.e. static linkage), then you must declare the specifications in the prototype, if it has one. If the function has no prototype, then declare the specifications in the function definition.

Loop specifications

Loop writes clause

eCv needs to know what variables a loop modifies. If a loop modifies only the local variables of the function it occurs in, and modifies them directly rather than via a pointer, then eCv can generally work this out for itself. However, if a loop modifies anything else, or anything via a pointer or array pointer, then a writes-clause for the loop must be given explicitly. For example, consider the following:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
    a[i] = k;

The loop modifies elements of the array a which is not a local variable, therefore a writes-clause is needed. The loop modifies all elements of the array, therefore the appropriate expression is a.all:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i)
    a[i] = k;

Note: if a loop modifies any elements of a local array, and no writes-clause is given, then it will be assumed that the loop modifies all elements of the array. You can use a loop invariant to describe elements of the array that do not change.

Loop invariant

eCv requires you to write a loop invariant for every loop. If you want eCv to prove that the loop terminates, then you’ll also need to provide a loop variant, unless eCv can work one out for itself.

A loop invariant is a Boolean expression that depends on all the variables modified by the loop, and is true when the loop is first entered, at the start and end of each iteration of the loop, and when the loop terminates. Typically, it comprises two parts.

The most important part of the loop invariant is a generalization of the state that the loop is intended to achieve. It needs to be written so that it is easy to establish this part of the invariant before the loop starts, by suitable initialization of variables; yet it becomes exactly the desired state when the loop terminates. I’ll refer to the desired state when the loop terminates as the loop postcondition.

For example, suppose we have an array a of integers, and we want to set every element in that array to k. Here’s a function to do that:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
pre(a.lwb == 0)
pre(a.lim == size)
post(forall j in 0..(size - 1):- a[j] == k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i)
    a[i] = k;

The first precondition says that a is a regular pointer to the start of an array. The second one says that the number of elements is given by size.

The postcondition says that when the function returns, for all indices j in the range 0 to (size – 1), a[j] is equal to k.

In this case, the loop comprises the entire body of the function, so the loop postcondition is the same as the function postcondition. In fact, loop postconditions are very frequently forall expressions, especially for loops that iterate over an array.

We need to generalize the forall expression in the postcondition here so that it is true at the start of every iteration of the loop. The state when we are about to commence the ith iteration will be that we’ve already set all elements from zero to i-1 (inclusive) to k, but not the elements from i onwards. We can express this with a slight modification to the forall expression, like this:

forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)

The upper bound of the forall has been changed from (size – 1) in the postcondition to (i – 1) here. This gives us exactly what we need for the loop invariant:

eCv expects the loop invariant to be written between the loop header and the body, like this:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
pre(a.lwb == 0)
pre(a.lim == size)
post(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i)
  keep(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)
  { a[i] = k;
eCv uses the keyword keep to introduce the invariant, because we’re keep-ing the invariant true.

Unfortunately, this is not yet enough to allow eCv to verify the loop. Using the above, eCv reports that it is unable to prove that a[j] is in-bounds in the loop invariant, or that a[i] is in-bounds in the loop body.

So, we need another component of the loop invariant, to ensure that these accesses are always in bounds. To make sure that a[i] is in bounds, we need to constrain i to be in the range 0..(size - 1) at that point. But we can’t constrain i to this range in the invariant, since when the loop terminates, i ends up with the value size, which is just outside this range. Instead, we constrain i to the range 0..size. The body is not executed when i == size, so that constraint is sufficient to guarantee that a[i] is in bounds in the body. The code then looks like this:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
pre(a.lwb == 0)
pre(a.lim == size)
post(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i)
keep(i in 0..size)
  keep(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)
  { a[i] = k;

eCv reported that it was unable to prove that a[j] was in bounds in the original keep clause. Putting the new keep clause before the original one allows eCv to assume that i is in 0..size in the second keep clause. That is enough for it to prove that a[j] is in bounds, because j takes values from 0 to i – 1.

Using the above, eCv is able to prove that this function meets its specification, if the loop terminates. To prove that it terminates, we’ll need to provide a loop variant too.

Note: if the while-part of a for-loop or while-loop has side effects, then the loop invariant refers to the state before those side-effects take place.

Proving loop termination

The easiest way to prove that a loop (that is designed to terminate) actually does terminate is to use a loop variant. A loop variant in its simplest form is a single expression that depends on variables changed by the loop. It has the following properties:

If we can define such a variant, then we know that the loop terminates, because from any starting value the lower bound must be reached after a finite number of iterations – after which it can’t decrease any more.

To ensure that the first of these properties is met, eCv only allows loop variant expressions to have integer, Boolean, or enumeration type. For integer variants, eCv assumes a lower bound of zero and will need to prove that such a variant is never negative. For Boolean expressions, the lower bound is false, and true is taken to be greater than false. For expressions of an enumeration type, the lower bound is the lowest enumeration constant defined for that type.

In order to show that our example loop terminates, we need to add a loop variant in the form of a decrease clause. In this case, it is simple to insert a loop variant based on the loop counter:

void setArray(int * array a, size_t size, int k)
pre(a.lwb == 0)
pre(a.lim == size)
post(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)
{ size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i != size; ++i)
  keep(i in 0..size)
  keep(forall j in 0..(i - 1) :- a[j] == k)

  decrease(size - i)
  { a[i] = k;

The expression size – i meets the needs of a loop variant in eCv because:

eCv will try to prove that size – i is never negative, and that size – i decreases from one iteration to the next. The first of these is easily proven from the invariant i in 0..size. The second is easily proved because the loop increments i at the end of each iteration but leaves size alone.

For a for-loop whose header increments a loop counter from a starting value to a final value, we can always use a loop variant of the form final_value – loop_counter, provided the loop body doesn’t change loop_counter or final_value.

For some loops, each iteration may make progress towards termination in one of several ways. For example, you could write a single loop that iterates over the elements of a two-dimensional array. Each iteration might move on to the next element in the current row, or advance to the next row if it has finished with the current one. In cases like this, defining a single variant expression for the loop can be awkward. So eCv allows you to provide a list of variant expressions. Each iteration of the loop must decrease at least one of its elements in the list, and may not increase an element unless an element earlier in the list decreases. So it must either decrease the first element, or keep the first element the same and decrease the second element, or keep the first two elements the same and decrease the third; and so on.

Note: if the while-part of a for-loop or while-loop has side effects, then the loop variant is computed after those side-effects take place.

Ghost declarations

Sometimes it is easier to write a specification if you declare additional constants, variables and function prototypes (with associated contracts) that are referred to only in specifications. Such a declaration is called a ghost declaration. To tell eCv that a declaration is ghost, and to avoid your compiler generating code for ghost declarations, such a declaration is enclosed in the ghost(...) macro. Here are some example ghost declarations:

max3(int a, int b, int c)
(result >= a && result >= b && result >= c && (result == a || result == b || result == c);

ghost(const int maxReading = 1000;)

There are some special rules for ghost declarations, as follows:

You may refer to ghost declarations in specification contexts and in other ghost declarations, but not in code. The final semicolon at the end of the ghost declaration (before the closing parenthesis that completes the ghost macro invocation) is optional.


eCv Manual, Version 5.01, November 2011.
© 2010 onwards Escher Technologies Limited. All rights reserved.